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About the SarkID Group

The Sark ID Group is a Non Profit Organisation registered on Sark.


To investigte ways in which Sark's identity can be protected and promoted to the benefit of the Sark Community.

Correspondence Address

SarkID Group Secretary
St Magloire, Rue Lucas, Sark GY10 1SE

There's a contact form and email on the Contact Us page


Sark NPOs

There are a number of Charities and Non Profit Organisations registered on Sark. Their remits are many and varied from sports such as Archery and Tennis to vital community bodies such as the Sark Fire and Rescue Service, supporting the School and the Professor Saint Medical Trust.

You can find a link to the Register of Sark Charities and Register of Sark NPOs along with Sark legislation on the Charities and NPO page of the Sark Government website.